A Strong Start for All Children
Early Education Programs
Help Everyone in Roanoke Valley Thrive
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Every Child Deserves a chance to succeed
Children need access to quality early childhood education and support so they can thrive today and tomorrow. With partners across the entire community, United Way of Roanoke Valley provides local children the resources and help they need to learn, grow and succeed.
Our strategic programs also support the adults in their lives.
We empower and support teachers, childcare providers and parents so they can nurture children to their full potential.
We are proud to have been selected as the lead organization for Ready Region West.
As a Ready Region lead organization, we are part of a statewide network focused on:
Strengthening quality. We will ensure all components are in place to coordinate quality measurement and guide improvement in publicly funded classrooms as part of VQB5.
Building relationships. We will engage with leaders across the region to facilitate buy-in for shared accountability and benefit.
Increasing access. We will build and strengthen better processes to help parents learn about and access Early Childhood Care & Education programs in their community, while helping ECCE providers connect with families.
Engaging families. We will establish and strengthen strategies and structures to ensure family engagement.
For more information about Ready Region West, click here!
Early Learning Strategies
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