Help Everyone in Roanoke Valley Thrive
Your donation helps more people thrive. Thank you for making our community stronger!
Join us for our 2022 Leadership Breakfast as we look at the year in review and a vision forward. The United Way of Roanoke Valley invites our leadership donors to learn about the highlights from our most recent campaign year, as well as our latest programs, initiatives, and plans for this year.
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Jefferson Center, Fitzpatrick Hall
7:30 a.m. Check-in & Breakfast
8:30 a.m. Program Starts
Cost: $35 per person
Sponsorships are available!
Become an event sponsor and help to uplift families across the region. By being a sponsor, you help your company achieve greater visibility in the community, improve your philanthropic image, and help you build stronger relationships with current and new customers. In addition to your name/logo being on the signage and presentation, you will also be acknowledged in our annual report, upcoming newsletter, website and throughout our social media platforms.
Gold - $2,500
Company logo large – Table with reserved seating (8 tickets), marketing table and display at event, ability to speak at event
Silver – 1,000
Company logo medium – 4 tickets with reserved seating and ability to provide branded materials for event guests
Bronze - $500
Company name listed as a sponsor – reserved seating for registered attendees
Sponsorship Deadline: March 11, 2022
Sign up here to become an event sponsor
For questions, please contact alisha [at]
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