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Financial Stability

Angela Hill

Angela Hill

Angela Hill is consistently the first to step up and advocate for those in need, leveraging her extensive network without hesitation. Her days are filled with meetings, countless phone calls, and lengthy emails, all dedicated to getting the job done. With a heart of gold and boundless compassion, she dedicates her time to Lake Christian Ministries, providing invaluable assistance with referrals and beyond.

Angela's expertise shines through in her work, particularly in financial stability initiatives. Whether it's coordinating food assistance through LCM or creatively reallocating funds to cover rent or utility bills, she goes above and beyond to ensure clients can meet their financial obligations. Her dedication to helping others achieve stability is truly commendable.

Dr. Kimberly Whiter

Dr. Kimberly Whiter

Dr. Kimberly Whiter has been instrumental in bolstering support for adult caregivers through her innovative endeavors in financial resource management for aging and adult caregiving. Recognizing the pressing need for specialized financial guidance, Dr. Whiter established Elder Care Solutions, introducing groundbreaking initiatives such as The Colloquium and The Whole Care Network. These platforms empower caregivers by furnishing them with vital tools and knowledge, equipping them to navigate complex life transitions with confidence.

Central to Dr. Whiter's mission is the alleviation of financial burdens often borne by caregivers of aging adults, ultimately enhancing both the quality of care provided and the stability of the caregiver themselves. Her commitment to fostering supportive networks and accessible resources underscores her leadership in the field, warranting acknowledgment and admiration. Through her tireless efforts, caregivers are assured they do not face these challenges alone, exemplifying a model of compassionate innovation and serving as a beacon of hope for countless individuals.

Dave Prosser


Dave Prosser, is the Senior Vice President of Community Development at Freedom First Bank, inspires his team to pursue and achieve their aspirations while fostering a strong commitment to community involvement. Leading by example, he actively participates on numerous boards, including serving as the Board Chairman for Habitat for Humanity and various other nonprofits. Outside of work, Dave is deeply engaged in his church and actively supports his children's interests, having dedicated years to leadership roles in scouting and consistently cheering them on at sporting events.

Dave's leadership style emphasizes pushing his team to reach their fullest potential and advocating for community engagement. He grants them the time and support needed to volunteer and give back, setting a shining example for all. Truly, he is a remarkable asset to both his team and the community at large.

Carrie McConnell


Carrie McConnell, serving as the President of Ridge View Bank, is fervently advocating for volunteerism among her staff. Not only does she advocate, but she actively demonstrates her commitment by consistently devoting countless hours to causes close to her heart. Her entire team mirrors her dedication, consistently exceeding expectations in their community engagement.

When a leader embodies such values, it's impactful. When those values become ingrained in the corporate culture, it elevates the impact to another level, multiplying its effect. Such contributions play a vital role in the progress of our community.

Carrie's passion extends beyond her team's involvement in community initiatives; she is deeply engaged in various causes such as special needs advocacy, education, financial literacy, and promoting the arts.

Marina Trejo


Marina Trejo's story is a compelling narrative of triumph over adversity. A DACA recipient who arrived in the U.S. as a child, she has navigated through life's challenges with remarkable resilience. Her journey from working multiple jobs to becoming a fitness instructor highlights her relentless drive. As an entrepreneur, she founded a business that leverages her passion for dance to celebrate her Mexican heritage. Through her work, she creates a tangible connection to cultural heritage, celebrating important milestones while empowering the next generation of Latina women with confidence and pride in their identity.  Marina serves in a pivotal leadership role within the Latinas Network and Nuestro Commercio Latino. Through these platforms, she inspires and supports other Latin business owners, fostering a sense of community and empowerment among entrepreneurs. She exemplifies how individual triumphs can spark collective progress and is a powerful inspiration to young Hispanic women.

Teffany Henderson

Teffany Henderson

For years, Teffany Henderson has been instrumental in ensuring that thousands of individuals in the Roanoke Valley receive accurate tax preparation assistance. Her unparalleled dedication to ensuring that everyone receives the proper tax support is remarkable. Despite facing limitations in resources, she consistently goes above and beyond to ensure that this essential service remains available to those in need. Educating people on financial responsibility is not just a task for Teffany; it's a passion.



Amazetta Anderson

Amazetta Anderson

Ms. Amazetta Anderson is an unwavering champion for community gardens, dedicating her efforts to nurturing the G. W. Carver Garden on Loudon Ave and sharing her expertise with others on cultivating their own green spaces. Additionally, she contributes her time and insights as a member of Roanoke City's Neighborhood Advocate committee, advocating for the welfare of all residents.


Katie Zawacki

Katie Zawacki

Even in retirement, Katie Zawacki, a former prevention specialist, remains tirelessly dedicated to her mission. As the founder and organizer of Points of Diversity, she continues to collaborate with schools, youth, parents, and community organizations, advocating for a more inclusive Roanoke Valley. Despite her soft-spoken demeanor, Katie is a force to be reckoned with, embodying the importance of unity and solidarity through her words and actions. Her heroism lies in her selflessness; she seeks neither fame nor recognition for her work. Through initiatives like "Dialogue for Change" and "Changing the Narrative," Katie demonstrates how inclusivity can be fostered in our community. Her unwavering love for all people serves as a testament to the possibility of living together harmoniously.

Anna Guardipee

Anna Guardipee

Following a life-altering truck crash in 2019 that left her paralyzed, Anna Guardipee has channeled her energy into supporting fellow victims and advocating for safer highways. Through her volunteer work with the Truck Safety Coalition, Anna reaches out to crash survivors and their families, providing crucial support and guidance as they navigate their challenging journey ahead. She also champions change by collaborating with congress and federal agencies to implement positive reforms in transportation policies, ultimately working towards a safer future for our highways.

Baraka Kasongo

Baraka Kasongo

Baraka Kasongo's journey from a child refugee of the Rwandan genocide to a community leader in Roanoke, Virginia, is in itself inspiring and exemplary. Fleeing to safety through several countries and spending years in refugee camps, Kasongo's resilience led him to the United States, where he has significantly contributed to his community. As a lieutenant with the Roanoke City Fire Department and the founder of the Volatia Language Network, he offers vital services in interpretation and translation. His company's work serves as a powerful bridge connecting non-English speakers to important services and resources available in the community. I’ve experienced how Volatia allowed us to assist someone we normally would've turned away because of a language barrier.  His story is a testament to overcoming adversity, serving others, and advocating for a more connected community despite cultural and language barriers that may exist.

Davey Stewards

Davey Stewards

An entry-level position in Environmental Science typically offers an annual salary of around $76,000 for candidates with no prior experience. However, Davey Stewards opted to dedicate his passion and energy to advocating for the agricultural industry. He spearheaded the creation of Star City Composting, a collaborative effort that brings together individuals and businesses to promote sustainable practices. Each member of this worker-owned organization contributes their unique talents, engaging in educational outreach and setting an example for others. This endeavor, initiated in 2019, required various licenses, permits, property leasing, capital investment, infrastructure planning, legal support, and approval from the Department of Environmental Quality. It's clear that Davey's leadership was instrumental in the success of this venture.

Douglas Pitzer

Douglas Pitzer

Doug Pitzer is a tireless advocate for the children of Roanoke, volunteering his time for various programs and initiatives, including the Young Doctors program, Melrose library, Roanoke Public Libraries, and Humble Hustle. His expertise in technology, education, Spanish, and compassion enables him to mentor young individuals effectively.

Greg Savignac

Greg Savignac

Greg Savignac is revered as an unsung hero for his unparalleled dedication to advocating for United Way of Roanoke Valley and educating the community, particularly his colleagues at Altec, on its impact. His passionate advocacy efforts, rooted in genuine belief, inspire collective action and unity. Greg's humble testimony serves as a reminder of the importance of working together for the greater good.

Heather Brush

Heather Brush

Heather Brush is known for her unwavering dedication to assisting residents in need, tirelessly working to ensure they have access to essential resources such as food, clothing, shelter, and opportunities for advancement. Daily, Heather stays late and arrives early on her job with the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority,  ready to change a life.

Jeffrey H Powell

Jeffrey H Powell

Jeffrey Powell, serving as the Director of General Services for the City of Roanoke, VA, actively supports various initiatives aimed at fostering community well-being and safety. Through volunteer work, fundraising, mentoring, and donations, Jeffrey contributes to programs benefiting teenagers, families, and the community at large.

Kenny Jarels

Kenny Jarels

Kenny Jarels, the founder of the AWARE Foundation of Virginia, holds a crucial role in locating missing persons from SW VA, providing invaluable support to families in their search for their loved ones. While the exact number of individuals he has assisted in safely returning home remains unclear, his impact is profound and far-reaching. In addition to his work with missing persons, Kenny is a strong advocate for domestic violence victims, dedicating himself to serving the needs of his community in multiple ways.

Lois Magill

Lois Magill

Lois Magill is truly a remarkable individual. Through her initiative in starting New Freedom Farm, she has not only provided healing for our veterans and animals but has also enriched our entire community. The impact of the farm she owns and operates extends far beyond our local area, touching lives around the world. Many visitors and volunteers have experienced a profound sense of serenity at the farm, finding solace and peace unlike anywhere else. Lois has cultivated a special kind of magic there that holds great significance to so many. From organizing Thanksgiving dinners, Freedom Fest events, motorcycle runs, and Christmas caroling to hosting breakfasts for veterans and facilitating support groups and meetings, she tirelessly dedicates herself to creating a welcoming and supportive environment. Despite the challenges she faces, Lois continues to thrive, spreading her magic and support wherever she goes.

Marion Ware

Marion Ware

Marion Ware is a steadfast advocate and representative of the NW Roanoke community, dedicated to fostering growth and unity among her neighbors. Her commitment is unwavering, demonstrated through years of volunteer work and advocacy efforts. Marion's leadership was instrumental in establishing the Hunger Free NW Coalition, which played a vital role in bringing essential resources, including a grocery store, to NW Roanoke. She actively participates in committees addressing critical issues such as food insecurity, economic development, and youth services, exemplifying her profound dedication to her community. Marion serves as a beacon of support for residents who may feel marginalized, ensuring their voices are heard and their needs are met, contributing to a healthier, more vibrant community.

Nicole Jennings

Nicole Jennings

Nicole Jennings has been an exceptional member of the team at Presbyterian Community Center for numerous years. She has dedicated herself to mentoring local students in the after-school program and fostering stronger family relationships within the Southeast community. Nicole has invested countless hours in educating and providing essential support to area families and students. Her relentless drive to improve the Southeast community for her students and their families has enabled her to develop educational and training programs not only for students but also for parents and community members. Nicole quietly responds to the needs of families facing difficult situations, offering assistance with housing, bills, and food. She works tirelessly, sometimes around the clock, to ensure that their needs are met. Nicole's positive and lasting impact extends to many current and former students, as well as their families and the wider community.

Rebecca Evans

Rebecca Evans

Rebecca Evans is a relentless advocate, both within her role at Marsh McLennan Agency and in her activities outside the office. She consistently exceeds expectations at work, always striving to improve our office environment. Beyond her professional duties, Rebecca dedicates herself to serving the community through her involvement at her church. She actively fundraises for various causes and organizes collections of canned food and clothing throughout the year. Additionally, Rebecca lends a hand on the family farm and offers support to local individuals facing personal challenges. Her commitment to making a positive impact is evident in all aspects of her life.

Tabitha Colison

Tabitha Colison

Tabitha Colison is an outstanding advocate for the community, tirelessly championing local nonprofits, small businesses, and initiatives with her social media prowess. In addition to her role as the social media and marketing manager for Smith Mountain Lake Good Neighbors, Tabitha generously devotes her free time to supporting significant causes and fostering a sense of unity within the community.

William Djuan Hankins

William Hankins

William "Djuan" Hankins is not just a youth advocate, coach, and family man; he's a beacon of support and guidance for countless individuals. Known for his coaching prowess with girls' basketball teams, Djuan's impact extends far beyond the court. He naturally assumes the roles of mentor and father figure to the students he encounters, instilling valuable life lessons and fostering a sense of belonging. Djuan's dedication to violence prevention is evident in his teaching of evidence-based curriculums to youth, as well as his efforts in training other adult youth advocates. He conducts group mentoring sessions at Noel C. Taylor and the Community Youth Program, collaborating with educators to provide ongoing support to students. Additionally, Djuan is actively involved in Project Discovery, a program that provides college and career access to young individuals. Whether it's installing a ring device for a single mother or driving a student four hours to college. For Djuan, nothing is more important than ensuring that youth have the resources and guidance they need to achieve a brighter future.


Antinette Beane


Antinette Beane consistently goes the extra mile in her role at the Melrose Library Branch, demonstrating a heart of gold as she selflessly serves her community. Under her management, the staff exudes happiness, and there's a palpable sense of mutual respect among them. Antinette leads by example, establishing healthy boundaries and fostering an environment of camaraderie. As Branch Manager, Antinette's dedication extends beyond serving library patrons to supporting the broader Northwest community, particularly its children. She cultivates a sense of family within the "Mighty Melrose" environment, actively engaging in activities such as tutoring children, conducting story time sessions, and even taking the lead in serving food at Dinner & Movie nights. Antinette epitomizes loving kindness and stands as a hometown hero to all who have the privilege of knowing her.

James Zeisler


Chef Z (James Zeisler) was instrumental in spearheading a culinary boot camp initiative alongside a dedicated team from Roanoke City Schools and Hotel Roanoke. His capacity, commitment, passion, and dedication were evident throughout the process, resulting in a successful program aimed at serving high school students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. The positive impact of the program on the two cohorts served during the summer of 2023 cannot be overstated, and it owes much of its success to Chef Z's leadership.

Jesse Truax


Jesse Traux played a pivotal role in the inception of a culinary boot camp initiative, collaborating with a team from Roanoke City Schools and Hotel Roanoke. He has seen firsthand how students are able to earn real-life work experience and certifications to prepare for their career while still in high school. His capacity, commitment, passion, and dedication were crucial to the culinary boot camp’s success, which had a significant positive impact on the two cohorts served during the summer of 2023. Jesse's leadership was indispensable in ensuring the program's effectiveness.

Jessica Weeks


Jessica Weeks excels as a director at Children’s Nest Early Learning Center, where her leadership skills and professional expertise significantly enhance the operations of the business. She not only manages the day-to-day activities but also leads staff training and steps in to perform various roles as needed, ensuring the facility runs smoothly. Jessica's strategic oversight includes developing policies that enhance both staff performance and client satisfaction. Additionally, Jessica goes above and beyond to comfort children who may be having a rough day, providing support to both the children and their parents. She also reaches out to parents to offer advice and comfort, particularly to those who are new to leaving their child with the center or who may need parenting guidance. This approach is a great gift to children and their families but also strengthens the operational framework of the center. Jessica's multifaceted role as a leader, mentor, and advocate highlights her integral value to the team and underscores her professional capabilities in addition to her nurturing spirit.

Josh Johnson


Josh Johnson is the Youth Development and Intervention Coordinator for Roanoke City Public Schools and played a pivotal role as part of a team that demonstrated remarkable capacity, commitment, passion, and dedication in establishing a culinary boot camp. Collaborating with colleagues from Roanoke City Schools and Hotel Roanoke, Josh's leadership was instrumental in launching the program aimed at serving high school students from under-resourced families. The positive impact of the program on the two cohorts served during the summer of 2023 speaks volumes about Josh's leadership and the team's collective efforts.

Kianna Bell


Kiana Bell, a history teacher at Lucy Addison Middle School, has significantly enriched her students' learning experience by organizing a speaker series that honored two influential Roanoke pioneers. This effort brought community members into the classroom to share their experiences, and not only catered to the academic curriculum but also fostered a deeper connection between students and their local history. Recognizing her students' needs, Kiana's initiative proved to be immensely successful. She extends her support beyond the classroom, attending students' extracurricular activities such as sporting events and competitions. When two students invited her to their church services to watch them praise dance and lead, Kiana made it a priority to attend both, demonstrating her commitment to supporting her students inside and outside of school. Her dual role as an educator and a mentor highlights her dedication to a comprehensive approach that supports both the academic and personal development needs of her students.

Matthew Kelly


Officer Matthew Kelly goes above and beyond his duties as a Student Resource Officer and crossing guard at Highland Park Elementary School. He forms genuine connections with every child, ensuring they feel valued and safe under his watch. Whether playing football with the kids during recess or chatting with parents and children during drop-off and pick-up times, Officer Kelly's friendly and kind demeanor shines through. His professional commitment to safety balanced with his approachable nature demonstrate the impact that community-friendly policing principles can have on students and families. Officer Kelly is a beacon of positivity, bringing joy and reassurance to everyone he encounters at the school each day.

Kimberly Davidson

Kimberly Davidson

Kimberly Davidson is the visionary behind the Roanoke Valley Children’s Choir, serving as both its artistic and administrative director since its inception in 1987. Over the span of 37 years, under her guidance, the choir has blossomed from a humble group of 23 singers to a comprehensive choral program boasting 140 children aged 7 to 18, spread across four choirs.

As a director, Ms. Davidson's mission extends beyond nurturing musical talent; she seeks to illuminate the inherent beauty within each child and their capacity to find joy, even amidst adversity. Renowned for her warm smile, unwavering work ethic, and genuine affection for the choristers, she approaches her role with boundless enthusiasm and love for both the children and the music they create. Ms. Davidson imparts not only musical excellence but also instills confidence, stage presence, and teamwork skills in her students, irrespective of the circumstances.

Her innate ability to connect with young people and inspire them to achieve their best has established her as a role model and source of inspiration for countless children throughout southwest Virginia over nearly four decades. Ms. Davidson's dedication, creativity, and resourcefulness are evident in her tireless efforts. She is celebrated nationwide for her musical excellence and profound impact on thousands of children in our community.

Leslie Floyd


Dr. Leslie Floyd is a pivotal figure in early childhood education, renowned for her leadership and transformative work at Bluefield University. As Director of Early Childhood Education, she revamped the program to align with national standards, significantly enhancing its quality and impact. Her extensive background includes roles as a preschool teacher and infant and toddler mental health specialist, enriching her approach to academic and practical education. Dr. Floyd also presides over the Piedmont Chapter of the Virginia Association for the Education of Young Children, advocating for educational excellence statewide. Recognized for her commitment to early education, she actively participates in symposiums and initiatives like Early Head Start, and always goes the extra mile for not only our youngest citizens, but also Roanoke's childcare programs, staff, and families.

Lior Britton


Lior Bitton, stands out as a remarkable educator, dedicating her expertise not only to her children but also to students at her preschool and high school youth group. She leads the Jewish Community Preschool at Temple Emanuel, known for its nurturing environment and diverse enrichment programs like Spanish and cooking classes. Lior also advises the Temple Emanuel senior youth group, helping them develop leadership skills and engage in community service. Her ability to juggle multiple educational roles while continuously preparing students for their next educational level makes her an admired and effective figure in her community. Her dedication and multitasking skills truly set her apart as a community hero in education​.

Marcie Umberger

Marcie Umberger

Marcie Umberger, a dedicated employee at Children’s Next Learning Center – Blue Ridge has exceeded every high expectation as an employee, a person, a friend and a caregiver to children in our community for over a decade. Her life took a dramatic turn on October 10, 2023 when a vehicle drove into the building while she was caring for children in the infant room. Her life changed in a split second. She sustained severe injuries from the incident and required multiple surgeries, including the loss of her leg.  Despite the immense challenges, Marcie's positive attitude and gratitude have profoundly impacted the community, emerging as an inspiration amidst the tragedy. Her positive attitude, resilience, determination to recover fully exemplify her deep commitment to returning to the children and families she cherishes. Marcie truly embodies what it means to be a hero.

Mia Stewart


Mia Stewart, a teacher at M&M Blessings Daycare, consistently demonstrates exceptional dedication to her role despite her daily battle with Lupus. Her commitment ensures that both the daycare's daily operations and the needs of the children and parents are front and center, without fail. Despite her personal discomfort, Mia maintains a cheerful demeanor and creates a warm and welcoming environment for all. Even on days she hasn’t felt well, she has kept the daycare open, firmly believing in her responsibility to the children and families who depend on her. Her resilience and steadfast commitment to those under her care highlights her importance not just as a childcare provider, but as a cornerstone of her community.

Michelle Lionberger

Michelle Lionberger

Michelle Lionberger has played a crucial role as the lead facilitator for the Academic Secondary Transition Education Program (ASTEP) at Roanoke County Public Schools. Her leadership has been central to developing a non-traditional alternative program designed to meet the diverse needs of at-risk youth, focusing on academic achievement, attendance, behavior, and social-emotional learning. Through her tireless efforts, Michelle has worked closely with program leaders to create a tailored educational environment that addresses the unique requirements of each student, fostering their success and development. Michelle's approach to "feeding the need" of students emphasizes creating an optimal learning environment that allows each student to thrive. Her dedication not only enhances the educational outcomes for these students but also significantly impacts the broader Roanoke community by preparing youths for successful transitions into further education or the workforce.

Quanna Pannell

Quanna Pannell

Quanna Pannell serves as the supervisor of Early Childhood Special Education for Roanoke City Public Schools, where she plays a pivotal role in supporting preschool teachers, administrators, and families, both current and past. Her expertise in collaborating with families and community partners is invaluable, ensuring that each student's unique needs are met. Quanna's excellence and dedication extends beyond professional oversight; she genuinely cares about her team, continually encouraging and appreciating them, regardless of her supervisory role. She is not only a leader but also a friend and mentor who inspires her colleagues to embrace new challenges and supports them through both personal and professional hurdles. Quanna's approachability and commitment make her a trusted figure among parents and staff alike. She is cherished by her colleagues and clients, and is an asset to the community.

Tami Amos


With over two decades of experience in education, Tami Amos is renowned for her outstanding contributions to the field. She is currently an administrator at William Fleming High School, a role she secured due to her proven transformative impact in various educational capacities. Known for her strict yet magnetic personality, Tami is especially adept at connecting with her students, whom she supports both academically and personally with great passion. She is often seen cheering at their sports events and actively advocates for their needs, sometimes even using her own resources to ensure they feel valued and supported. Tami's dedication goes beyond mere administrative duties; she is deeply invested in her students' well-being and success, making her an unforgettable and highly respected figure in their lives. Her commitment to enhancing student experiences and fostering a supportive environment highlights her exceptional value to the educational community.

Virginia Vann


Virginia Vann, an exemplary school counselor at Burlington Elementary, is renowned for her profound impact on students and their families. She tirelessly coordinates a substantial annual holiday gift program that benefits over 100 students, ensures 60 children have essential food supplies for weekends, and sponsors numerous youths in local sports leagues each year. Beyond her immediate duties, Virginia's dedication extends to ongoing support for her students, often attending local sports games and community events to cheer them on and keep in touch with families. This sustained involvement not only boosts her former students but also strengthens her role as a crucial community pillar. Virginia has consistently been a guiding light, providing encouragement and support that illuminate the paths of many towards brighter futures. Her commitment underscores a deep dedication to nurturing the well-being and success of every student she encounters.


Ami Trowell


Ami and Jordan Fallon own and operate Ursula's Cafe, a pay-what-you-can establishment offering soup, sandwiches, coffee, and more. Despite their full-time jobs, Ami and Jordan dedicate several days a week to opening Ursula's, providing a reliable space for food, necessities, companionship, and conversation for anyone in need. At Ursula's, visitors can choose to pay the suggested prices, donate more, or pay less based on their preference and financial situation. This inclusive approach ensures that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, can enjoy a meal with dignity. Ursula's Cafe fosters a strong sense of community, bringing together people from all walks of life in an atmosphere of kindness and mutual respect. The cafe's welcoming environment and commitment to serving others make it a cherished spot in Roanoke, where the love of soup and community thrive. Ami and Jordan's dedication to creating this space exemplifies their profound impact on the community.

Anh Huynh


Anh Huynh embodies the essence of an unsung hero through her unwavering dedication and kindness. An active volunteer both in her faith community and at United Way, Anh meticulously contributes her time and inspires others, including her husband and friends, to join in giving back. What truly sets Anh apart is her extraordinary support for a friend diagnosed with breast cancer. Beyond volunteering, Anh stepped in as a lifeline, offering transport to medical appointments and chemo treatments, lightening the mood with her stories and sunny disposition, and ensuring her friend never felt alone or without care. On challenging days, she provided homemade meals or thoughtful treats, showcasing a generosity that transcends mere acts of service. Anh’s actions reflect a deep compassion and commitment to helping those around her, making her a true pillar of support and an exemplar of selfless kindness in our community.

Anita Finkle


Anita Finkle, a retired but tireless volunteer, has made an indelible mark on numerous non-profits in the Roanoke Valley. Her dedication to organizations like RCACP, RVSPCA, and Roanoke City Tree Stewards exemplifies her commitment to community service. Anita's unwavering support for homeless animals in the Roanoke Valley is extraordinary; she consistently goes above and beyond to ensure they have the best chance at a happy life. Known for her hands-on approach, Anita is never afraid to get her paws dirty, embodying the true spirit of volunteerism. Her ability to juggle so many responsibilities with such enthusiasm and efficiency remains a mystery to all who know her. Despite her significant contributions, Anita remains humble, eschewing recognition and simply finding joy in the positive outcomes she helps create. She is the quintessential unsung hero, and her efforts are invaluable to the community. The RCACP and other local organizations are profoundly grateful for her support, considering her a true treasure in the Roanoke Valley.

Bill Price


Bill Price, the driving force behind Sirens and Salutes, dedicates countless hours and hard work to various community projects. His volunteer efforts include clearing forgotten cemeteries, visiting nursing homes to deliver cards, Easter baskets, and valentines, and providing food, treats, and gift cards to first responders. Each year, Bill honors 9/11 by walking in his fire gear and organizing commemorative events. His commitment to community service extends to his son, who has collected thousands of jars of peanut butter for the local food pantry. Bill's generosity shines through during the holidays, where he dresses as Santa for the local Santa Run on the fire truck and offers free weekend photo sessions to ensure every child can have a holiday picture without the burden of cost. He also places wreaths and flags in graveyards, maintains a memorial tree, and uses social media to honor first responders killed in the line of duty. Bill's efforts ensure that these heroes are recognized and remembered throughout the year, reflecting his deep dedication to honoring and supporting the community. His relentless commitment makes him an invaluable asset and a true beacon of compassion and service.

Charles Price


Charles Price, Board President of the Harrison Museum of African American Culture, has profoundly impacted both the museum and the Roanoke community. Charles was given the task of overseeing the move of the Museum from its previous home at the Harrison School to its current location at Center in the Square. His background in construction was instrumental to this move as he supervised the completion and outfitting of the new space for the Museum. For the past decade he voluntarily oversees its daily operations.His leadership has enhanced the museum’s outreach and educational programs, notably curating significant exhibitions like "David Ramey: Gainsboro Road and Beyond," which honors the history of Roanoke’s African American neighborhoods affected by urban renewal. Beyond exhibitions, Price collaborates with local organizations and schools to ensure the museum is a valuable educational resource. His efforts in organizing community events like the Henry Street Heritage Festival have fostered a deeper appreciation for African American heritage in Roanoke.  He has always given back to the Roanoke community by volunteering as a coach with the NW/Wilmont Recreation Club for over 30 years. In addition to his years of service inspiring young men on and off the field he has also served as a board member for the Roanoke Higher Education Center, TAP Board of Directors, and as a trustee on the Center in the Square Board. Charles Price's unwavering dedication and impactful initiatives underscore his role as a hero in volunteerism, preserving and celebrating the rich history of the African American community. His contributions significantly enhance the cultural fabric of the region, making him a beloved and respected community figure. 

Chris Link

Chris Link

Chris Link has been a dedicated force in the Raleigh Court neighborhood, stepping in when the Raleigh Court Neighborhood Association needed stability and leadership. His efforts have not only stabilized the association but also set it on a path for growth. Chris's commitment extends beyond the neighborhood; he actively serves on multiple volunteer committees within the City of Roanoke and is set to become a Cub Scout Pack Leader, nurturing future community leaders.

Professionally, Chris is a seasoned engineer with over two decades of experience, currently serving as Client Services Manager for LJB Engineering's Fall Protection Practice. His dedication to both his career and community exemplifies his spirit of service.

Through his volunteerism and professional expertise, Chris has significantly benefited everyone in the Raleigh Court area, ensuring a brighter future for the community he cherishes. His hard work and passion for service have made a lasting impact, demonstrating the true essence of inclusive and community-focused leadership.

Dawn Bryant


Dawn Roberts-Bryant, founder of Soul Creations, is a remarkable force in volunteerism and youth development. Serving as the Advisor for the Roanoke NAACP Youth Council, she has been instrumental in engaging and empowering young people in the community. Dawn's enthusiasm and dedication shine through her work with the Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO), where she prepares youth for competitions that celebrate academic and artistic excellence. Her guidance has led to numerous successes, with local students excelling at national levels. Beyond the competitions, Dawn actively participates in organizing events like the NAACP Impactors Awards , which recognizes and honors the achievements of community leaders selected by the Youth Council. Her commitment extends beyond the organizational role, as she is deeply involved in mentoring and supporting students, fostering an environment of growth and achievement. She is the President of the William Fleming High School PTSA where she is an active volunteer within their drama department and more.  Her tireless efforts and passionate leadership not only uplift the youth but also strengthen the entire community, making her a true hero in volunteerism.

Garry Lautenschlager


Garry Lautenschlager, approaching 69, continues to be a pillar of community service, leading by example and inspiring others to give graciously and purposefully. Frequently quoting Martin Luther’s verse, “God does not need your good works, but your neighbor does,” Garry has spent over 40 years putting his faith into action. As a prominent figure in Salem Area Ecumenical Ministries, he has received numerous accolades for his volunteer leadership, including the Salem Chamber of Commerce "Volunteer of the Year," VA Synod “Serving Boldly Award,” and the Governor’s Award for Excellence in EMS Administration. Garry's extensive volunteer work spans many organizations. He provides leadership to Salem Area Ecumenical Ministries, College Lutheran Church, Salem Prevention and Planning Team, and the American Heart Association. His involvement extends to Lutheran Cooperative Ministries, the CROP Hunger Walk, Mrs. Dorsey’s Clothes Closet, VA Synod World Hunger Team, and Area Churches Together (ACT Packs). Additionally, he serves as a volunteer mentor, continually dedicating his time and efforts to improve his community. Garry's unwavering commitment and multifaceted contributions make him a beacon of service and a true inspiration to all.

Haley Cook


Haley Cook, a dedicated volunteer at Fort Lewis Elementary School, consistently goes above and beyond to enrich the school community. Her commitment is evident in her tireless efforts to maintain the school grounds, where she donates and plants flowers, weeds, and trims trees and bushes. Additionally, Haley collaborates with teachers to select and provide plants for each classroom that align with their curriculum, educating students about the growing process and working with each class to plant and tend to their greenery. Beyond horticultural efforts, Haley's impact is seen in her organization of school events. She has decorated the school float for the community parade and single-handedly organized and ran the school variety show. Her dedication extends outside the school walls, as she also opens her Cook Barn to the community for Halloween, Christmas, and Easter, providing a festive space for families to enjoy. Haley’s creative contributions, from starting a vegetable garden for the students to decorating and organizing events, make her an invaluable asset. Her efforts have significantly deepened learning opportunities and fostered a vibrant, engaging environment at Fort Lewis Elementary, benefiting both the school and the broader community.

Janie Ollie


Janie Ollie, a retiree known for her generosity, dedicates her life to helping those in need. She selflessly offers her resources and support regardless of race, creed, or color. She is known throughout the valley for her caring heart and willingness to assist anyone, whether she has known them for five minutes or five days. In her role as a Deacon at Loudon Avenue Christian Church (LACC), she provides ministry and care to church families through a shepherding approach. Her commitment to her faith and community shines through her regular communication with her assigned families, identifying and addressing their needs. Janie’s unwavering dedication to serving others, without any desire for recognition, makes her an angel in the community.

Joe Gaither


Joe Gaither, affectionately known as Coach Joe, has exemplified outstanding volunteerism as a long-time youth coach in the inner city. His dedication has shaped the lives of many young athletes, some of whom have gone on to become NFL and NBA superstars. Now, as the President of the Shiloh Men's Ministry, Coach Joe channels his energy into broader community service. Under his leadership, the Men's Ministry volunteers at the Ram House, participates in the "Sleep in Heavenly Peace" project building beds, constructs homes with Habitat for Humanity, and donates to numerous organizations. Coach Joe is a dynamic force in the community, continually striving to make a positive impact. His humility shines through as he attributes all his achievements to the work of God. His enduring influence and commitment make him a true hero in the eyes of those he has helped and inspired.

Keith and Amanda Moore


For over seven years, Keith and Amanda Moore have been invaluable volunteers at Angels of Assisi. Amanda's dedication shines as she tirelessly tends to the Adoption Center daily, nurturing dogs with walks, treats, and special care. Two years ago, her passion led her to transform a humble broom closet into a sanctuary for shelter dogs, complete with soft music, blankets, toys, and calming scents. This haven, lovingly maintained by Amanda, has become a cherished space for the dogs, providing them with the individual attention they crave. Meanwhile, Keith serves as the organization's top maintenance expert, adept at fixing anything and everything. He also goes the extra mile by driving trucks to adoption events and mobile clinics, often alongside Amanda, who helps coordinate these vital community endeavors. Angels of Assisi deeply appreciates their unwavering commitment and the transformative impact they have on the lives of both animals and humans alike.

Lisa Haynes


Lisa Haynes, affiliated with Woodmen of the World, has been a steadfast supporter of numerous events in Franklin County, acting as a funder, advocate, volunteer, and organizer. Despite her extensive contributions, she often remains behind the scenes, unrecognized in bulletins or thank you announcements. Each month, Lisa proactively reaches out to various organizations to inquire about upcoming events and offers her assistance to individuals, nonprofits, and county agencies. Known for spotlighting others who give back to the community with recognition awards, she herself truly deserves recognition. Lisa's unmatched caring heart, energetic spirit, and passion for the community are evident in her actions. She generously gives her time, talent, and resources to ensure that often overlooked projects receive support and come to fruition seamlessly, without seeking any acknowledgment in return. Lisa is a true hero, and her invaluable contributions are deeply appreciated by those who know her and benefit from her unwavering dedication.

Natalie Sigmon


Natalie Sigmon of Blue Eagle Credit Union is dedicated to making a positive impact every day. Known for her kindness, compassion, and boundless energy, she volunteers extensively across various local organizations. Her social media is a testament to her active involvement. Natalie has contributed her time and efforts to the United Way of the Roanoke Valley, American Red Cross, Community Christmas Store, Chris' Coffee and Custard, Local Office on Aging, Feeding Southwest Virginia, Habitat for Humanity, Ronald McDonald House Charities, Iron Man, Rescue Mission, and Down Syndrome Association of Roanoke, among others. In addition to her community work, Natalie prioritizes serving her family and excels in her professional role. She leads Blue Eagle Credit Union's community engagement committee, inspiring and coordinating the staff's support for numerous organizations. Natalie's dedication and infectious enthusiasm make her a true champion of volunteerism and community service.

Sabrina Billings


Sabrina Billings is the lifeblood of Brent Hershey State Farm Insurance. Thanks to her leadership, the agency has successfully opened offices in Botetourt and Roanoke. Sabrina's dedication and organizational skills enabled the agency to support and sponsor over 60 events last year alone. Although she often works behind the scenes, her tireless work ethic and deep commitment to the community consistently bring positive attention to the business. Sabrina's involvement in various community areas highlights her amazing heart for service. She volunteers extensively, participating in local charities, community outreach programs, and civic organizations, always aiming to make a positive impact. Sabrina also spearheads initiatives that promote financial literacy and community safety, showcasing her dedication to the well-being of those around her. She is the ideal nominee for recognition, embodying the true spirit of an unsung hero for all she does for the local community.

Sarah Baumgardner


Sarah Baumgardner of the Western Virginia Water Authority epitomizes the essence of a hero. Her intelligence and problem-solving skills are matched by her generosity and selflessness. Sarah contributes to the community through both professional and personal volunteering, actively participating in committees and groups. She has taken on leadership roles in the Rotary Club, supporting numerous community service projects. Sarah is also dedicated to environmental initiatives, educational outreach programs, and local non-profits, showcasing her commitment to sustainability and community enrichment. Her colleagues who work closely with her attest to her unwavering commitment to doing the right thing, even when it means facing discomfort or inconvenience. Sarah's exemplary character and dedication make the world a better place, demonstrating that the world truly needs more people like her.

Sunni Purviance


Sunni Purviance has significantly transformed Southeast Roanoke through her active community involvement. She founded "I Heart SE" and initiated the SE Plawkers, a group dedicated to picking up trash while walking through the area. This initiative has not only beautified the neighborhood but also strengthened community bonds. Sunni has also spearheaded several mural projects in Southeast Roanoke, enhancing the area’s attractiveness to both residents and visitors. Additionally, Sunni serves on the Board of Directors for Habitat for Humanity Roanoke Valley, where she actively participates in meetings and contributes to efforts supporting low to moderate-income homebuyers in the region. Her role on the Morningside Urban Farm Advisory Board further showcases her commitment, as she frequently offers valuable advice to the Southeast farming community. Sunni’s dedication and initiatives have made a profound impact on Southeast Roanoke, making her an invaluable community leader.

Susan Larkin


For nearly three decades, Susan Larkin has been a cornerstone of the Roanoke banking community, providing exemplary banking services to small businesses, large companies, and nonprofit organizations. Her commitment to excellent customer service has made her a trusted partner for many. Susan's dedication extends beyond her professional role as VP of Treasury Services at Bank of Botetourt. She excels at creating opportunities for members of the Grow Your Business networking group and the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce to benefit from her extensive network, serving as a mentor to many.

Her volunteerism is equally impressive. Over the years, Susan has faithfully supported the Junior League of Roanoke Valley, Roanoke Women’s Foundation, West End Center, Ronald McDonald House Charities of SWVA, and numerous other causes. Susan regularly volunteers, demonstrating how even a small amount of time can create heartfelt good for others. Her selflessness and commitment to community support exemplify the spirit of Roanoke’s reputation for inclusivity, dependability, and care.

Helen Deane


Helen B. Dean's life was marked by exceptional leadership and dedicated community service. As Immediate Past President of the Roanoke Valley Democratic Women, she championed civic engagement and women's political participation. Her influence extended to the Roanoke Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, where she actively participated in Delta Days at the Virginia General Assembly, promoting political awareness and action.

She served on multiple boards, including Family Promise, the Roanoke Symphony (chair for Education), Apple Ridge, the Junior League, the CASA Board (president), and the Opera Board. She was deeply involved with the Harrison Museum of African American Culture, the City of Roanoke Art Commision, and served as a court-appointed special advocate (CASA).

Helen's faith was a cornerstone of her life. She was an elder at Second Presbyterian Church, Moderator for the Presbytery of the Peaks, and served on numerous committees, including the Synod Judicial Committee and the Sexual Misconduct Committee. Her leadership extended to roles as Vice Moderator for National Black Presbyterian Women and Historian for Presbyterian Women at the Synod level.

Helen's notable contributions, including her influential roles in various organizations and her impactful work in civic engagement and education, truly deserve posthumous recognition as a hero in volunteerism. Her legacy of dedication and excellence sets a benchmark for future generations to aspire to and honor.


Aaron Housh

Aaron Housh

Aaron Housh's leadership at The Hospice House has led to remarkable growth and impact. Under his guidance, the organization has significantly increased the number of patients and families it supports, with employees going above and beyond to provide essential care and support. Aaron is also overseeing the region's only hospice house, The Hospice House, set to open this fall. This new facility will make a profound difference in the region, providing much-needed palliative and hospice care. Recognizing Aaron highlights the crucial advancements in compassionate care he has championed.

Anita James Price

Anita Price

Anita James Price is a beacon of dedication and service in our community. With over 30 years as an educator in Roanoke City Public Schools, she has tirelessly supported young people, demonstrating her passion for education and youth empowerment. Anita broke barriers as the first African American woman elected to Roanoke City Council and as Vice Mayor in 2008. Her leadership led to the reinstatement of the Youth Services Board, among other impactful initiatives. She also served as the National League of Cities’ Youth Education and Family National President. Beyond her civic duties, Anita is a trustee at High Street Baptist Church, coordinates service projects, volunteers daily at the Harrison Museum of African American Culture, and is an active member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc and Roanoke Chapter of Links, Inc. Her unwavering commitment to service and community uplift makes her a true local hero.

Angela Penn

Angela Penn

Angela Penn, President and CEO of TAP (Total Action for Progress), is a true champion for the Roanoke Valley. With over a decade in housing development, she began at the Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority, rising to vice president of real estate development. At TAP, Angela revitalized the 187-unit Terrace Apartments and transformed the old Raleigh Court Elementary into the TAP Head Start Raleigh Court Child Development Center, always sporting her signature pink hard hat. Angela's dedication to service is evident in her roles on the City of Roanoke Planning Commission, as co-chair of the 2013 United Way of Roanoke Valley President’s Circle, and her active participation in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., and the Roanoke Valley Chapter of Links, Inc. She also volunteers as the Patrick Henry football team’s professional photographer. Angela’s leadership, marked by her passion for community and inclusivity, inspires all who know her.

Aubrey Wright

Aubrey Wright

Aubrey Wright exemplifies dedication and selflessness, consistently going above and beyond to meet the needs of others. As a store manager at Kroger, Aubrey leads his team by example, always praising his employees and using his natural charisma to inspire and motivate them. His commitment to helping others is unwavering, making a positive impact on everyone around him. Beyond his role at Kroger, Aubrey also dedicates his weekends to being a professional wrestler, showcasing his passion and versatility. Recognizing Aubrey with this accolade honors his extraordinary efforts and the significant difference he makes in our community.

Brad Grose

Brad Grose

Brad Grose has dedicated his life to serving the people of Vinton and the entire Roanoke Valley. As Mayor of Vinton for 20 years, Brad has provided steadfast and compassionate leadership, significantly contributing to the town’s growth and development. His regional involvement as Chairman of the Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission has ensured that Vinton’s voice is heard in broader regional matters. Brad’s long tenure brings unparalleled knowledge and experience to local leadership. Known for his kindness and genuine care for the community, Brad is a dedicated public servant who consistently shows up for citizens and businesses without seeking the spotlight. His quiet, effective leadership has made Vinton and the Roanoke Valley stronger and more vibrant.

Candace Hess

Candace Hess

Candace Hess, the Executive Director of Kids Soar, has made significant contributions to the community by enhancing the literacy and education of students from kindergarten to fifth grade. Under her leadership, Kids Soar has not only expanded its reach but also navigated the challenging move of the program across town, ensuring the continuation of its 34-year legacy. Candace has overseen the development of a comprehensive after-school program that runs five days a week, providing children with literacy instruction, homework help, extracurricular activities, and hot meals. Her commitment to breaking the cycle of poverty through education has empowered countless children and their families in the Roanoke Valley.

Pastor Charles Wilson, Jr.

Charles Wilson

In just six years, Pastor Charles Wilson, Jr., and his wife Tranay have made a significant impact on Roanoke, particularly in NW Roanoke. Their commitment to the community is exemplified by their founding of The Hill Church, strategically situated to foster local development. Charles and Tranay have immersed themselves in the city, engaging with various organizations, connecting with neighbors through door-to-door initiatives, and laying a strong foundation for their church. Their ambitious project to revitalize a longstanding, dilapidated building in NW Roanoke stands as a testament to their visionary leadership. They aim to transform it into a vibrant place of worship and a community hub that provides opportunities and empowerment for residents. Their dedication to the community's upliftment through inclusive and compassionate leadership makes them worthy of recognition as local heroes.

D'Angelo Reynolds, Sr.

D'Angelo Reynolds

D’Angelo Reynolds, Sr., is a humble and inspiring leader dedicated to uplifting the Roanoke community, particularly its youth. Moving to Southwest Roanoke to be closer to those in need, D’Angelo has spent years working with young people, helping fathers build stronger relationships with their children and each other. He offers free haircuts to students throughout the year, started a young men’s group at William Fleming High School, and now collaborates with the Roanoke Police Department to improve community-police relations.

Daphney Hancock

Daphney Hancock

Daphney Hancock has been a cornerstone of the Head Start Program for over 45 years, demonstrating unwavering dedication and compassion. She has mentored countless teachers, positively influencing the education and lives of many children and families. Daphney's commitment to the program and the community is immeasurable, reflecting her deep advocacy for the well-being of others. Even in retirement, Daphney continues to work part-time, showing her relentless passion for service. Her positive outlook on life and ability to maintain a smile despite challenges inspire everyone around her. Daphney’s exceptional dedication and tireless efforts make her a true local hero, consistently going above and beyond to support and uplift the community. Her roles as a CDA Professional Development Specialist for the Council for Professional Recognition, a Certified Infantm Toddle, and Preschool CLASS Observer and member of the National and VA HeadStart Association further underscore her lasting impact on early childhood education and community support.

Dawn Sandoval

Dawn Sandoval

Dawn Sandoval is a relentless advocate for people experiencing homelessness in the Roanoke Valley. She recently opened TLOT (The Least of These) Suites, a motel providing short-term stays for homeless individuals recovering from illness. This initiative addresses a critical community need and reduces unnecessary hospital readmissions, benefiting everyone. Despite facing significant resistance, Dawn's dedication and persistence have made this innovative concept a reality. Her journey is marked by an unwavering commitment to serving others, even in the face of personal challenges. Dawn's passion for helping the homeless has driven her to overcome numerous obstacles, ensuring that the most vulnerable members of the community receive the care and support they need. Through TLOT Suites, she has created a vital resource for individuals to recuperate and regain their strength. Dawn's resilience, compassion, and dedication make her a true local hero deserving of recognition.

Debbie Brown

Debbie Brown

Debbie Brown's unwavering dedication and compassion have made a profound impact on the Roanoke community. Known for her work with the Blue Ridge Interagency Council on Homelessness (BRICH), Debbie collaborates closely with organizations to support those experiencing homelessness. As the McKinney-Vento Program Coordinator for Roanoke City Schools, she provides vital services and support to students and their families in need. Debbie's efforts often go unnoticed, as she selflessly works behind the scenes to make a difference. Her colleague, who has known her for over 20 years, attests to her immense heart and unrelenting commitment. Debbie consistently seeks ways to help, always asking what she and the church can do to support those in need. Her role at Greene Memorial United Methodist Church involves coordinating various outreach programs that provide essential resources and support to the community. Debbie's tireless dedication and generosity make her a true local hero, deeply appreciated by all who have the privilege of working with her.

Decca Knight

Decca Knight

Decca Knight exemplifies dedication and compassion through her work in the Roanoke community. Known for her patience and empathy, she has supported countless individuals by offering personal assistance, such as accompanying someone to a doctor's appointment to ease their fears. Decca's involvement with RESET (Rapid Engagement of Support in the Event of Trauma) highlights her commitment to crisis intervention and community support, working alongside law enforcement and mental health professionals to provide immediate aid to those affected by trauma. As the founder of Blue Ridge Parenting & Trauma Center, Decca advocates for trauma-informed practices, providing vital resources and support to families. Her role at VASH Counseling and Consulting further underscores her impact on the community. Volunteering with Decca for four years has been invaluable, fostering personal and professional growth for many. Her unwavering commitment, compassion, and integrity make her a true local hero, inspiring those around her.

Diane Speaks

Diane Speaks

Diane Speaks is a pillar of generosity and community spirit in Roanoke. As the owner of She's International Boutique, Diane provides beautiful clothes, jewelry, and accessories from around the world. She is a role model to her staff and customers, leading with kindness and integrity. Diane has spearheaded numerous community service projects, including collecting 900 pillowcases to help women in Kenya start businesses, leading shoe drives, and collecting necessities for the homeless. She also raises funds for scholarships and organizes cultural events for teenagers. Diane’s commitment to giving back and her leadership in the community make her a true local hero, inspiring many with her compassion and dedication.

Doug Jackson

Doug Jackson

Doug Jackson, Arts and Culture Coordinator for the Roanoke Arts Commission (RAC), has tirelessly worked to make Roanoke's arts community vibrant, inclusive, and exciting. Known for his welcoming approach, Doug ensures that everyone feels invited and valued in the arts scene. His efforts have transformed the grant application process, making it accessible and comfortable even for newcomers. This inclusivity is a testament to Doug's vision of a thriving, diverse arts community where all voices are heard. As a leader, Doug has significantly contributed to the Roanoke Cultural Endowment and has been spotlighted as a community leader for his innovative work. His role in the arts commission reflects his commitment to fostering a collaborative and supportive environment. Doug's ability to invite everyone into the conversation and his dedication to making the arts accessible to all highlight his exceptional leadership qualities. Doug Jackson’s impact on Roanoke’s arts community is profound, making him a true local hero who continually inspires and uplifts those around him.

Eddie Watkins

Eddie Watkins

Eddie Watkins is a dedicated and compassionate leader in Roanoke, known for going beyond the call of duty. As a single father of two young children, he balances family life with running his business, Eddie the Tree Guy, which provides exceptional tree services. Despite his busy schedule, Eddie is deeply committed to helping youth in his community. He volunteers at the Melrose Library, ensuring teens have a safe space, and shares his life stories to guide them towards positive paths. Eddie's involvement with Roanoke's Gun Violence Prevention Commission, focusing on prevention programs and relationship-building, further highlights his dedication to community safety. His selfless contributions and ability to inspire others make him a true local hero.

Gloria Randolph King

Gloria King

The late Gloria Randolph-King devoted 40 years to the students of Roanoke City Public Schools as an educator and principal, leaving a profound impact on their academic and personal success. Known for her energy, passion, style, and enthusiasm, Gloria's leadership was truly inspiring. She was appointed by former Governor Northam to the African American History Education Commission. Gloria's dedication extended beyond the classroom. She served as First Vice President of the Roanoke Branch NAACP, ACT-SO Chair, and Advisor of the NAACP Youth Council. A Golden Life member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., she also led the Roanoke Chapter "Moles" and the Roanoke Chapter Continental Societies. Additionally, she was the Educational Outreach Chair for Women United for Community Action and an active member of High Street Baptist Church. Gloria Randolph-King's kindness and generosity made her a treasured member of the Roanoke community, touching countless lives.

Jennie Sue F. Murdock

Jennie Sue Murdock

Jennie Sue F. Murdock has exemplified leadership through decades of service to the community. Her extensive efforts include roles as YWCA Executive Director, Council of Community Services employee, American Red Cross health and safety instructor, and active member of the American Association of University Women. Jennie Sue has participated in large-scale disaster relief efforts and local initiatives like reading programs and Girl Scouts. Her significant contributions to United Way as a donor and volunteer underscore her broad impact. Jennie Sue's dedication to empowering others and her heartfelt service leave a lasting legacy in her community.

Lisa Goad

Lisa Goad

Lisa Goad, Director and co-founder of House of Bread (HoB), has significantly impacted the Roanoke community by providing job skills training and mentoring to under-resourced women. Initially serving formerly incarcerated women, HoB has expanded to include those seeking a fresh start after addiction, abuse, or refugee status. Lisa teaches ServSafe certification and baking skills, enabling participants to produce and sell baked goods. Her support extends beyond the program, remaining a reliable resource for graduates. Lisa’s innovative poverty simulation for her church youth group fosters empathy and understanding. Her dedication and compassion make her a true local hero, empowering women and strengthening the community.

Dr. Melinda Hill

Melinda Hill

Melinda Hill exemplifies servant leadership through her unwavering commitment to strengthening families and communities. Known for her passion and dedication, she leads teams, mentors, and inspires those around her. Actively participating on various boards and speaking at major events, Melinda shares her insights as a family and leadership coach. Her work with FemCity Roanoke and personal renewal groups focuses on self-care and personal growth. A doctoral graduate in Leadership and Change from Cornell University, Melinda's inclusive leadership philosophy ensures growth opportunities for all. Her dedication to community service and ability to inspire make her a true local hero.

Mike McEvoy

Michael McEvoy

Mike McEvoy, Executive Director of the Western Virginia Water Authority for 20 years, exemplifies exceptional leadership and dedication to community well-being. Under his guidance, the Authority has expanded significantly, enhancing regional cooperation and quality of life. Mike advocates for workforce development and supports the United Way with innovative and sustainable staff participation. As a Kiwanis Club of Roanoke member for over 17 years, serving as President in 2021, his leadership, vision, and community service passion make him a highly respected figure. Mike's contributions have profoundly impacted the region, earning him recognition as a true local hero.

Bishop Milton Hardy, Sr.

Milton Hardy Sr.

Bishop Milton Hardy has been a steadfast leader and advocate in Roanoke for over 35 years. As a pastor, he has guided his congregation with compassion and wisdom while developing other pastors. He has led a gospel quartet, bringing joy through music and faith. Bishop Hardy's commitment extends beyond pastoral duties, often supporting community members in court and offering guidance during difficult times. His recent effort to merge two congregations strengthens community bonds. Despite his many contributions, Bishop Hardy remains humble, his dedication often unrecognized. His unwavering commitment to faith and community makes him a truly remarkable leader.

Peter Lewis

Peter Lewis

Peter Lewis epitomizes the spirit of elevating others' lives. He founded Apple Ridge Farm, providing environmental education, summer camp experiences, and afterschool programs for over 80,000 youth, many from Roanoke’s inner-city neighborhoods and public housing projects. Driven by his belief in helping young people succeed, Peter established a mountain camp offering underserved children educational experiences in a rural retreat. Apple Ridge Farm, now a non-profit, fosters self-esteem, positive values, and personal and academic growth. Peter's impact extends beyond his roles as a teacher, advocate, and community steward. Known affectionately as “Uncle Pete,” his dedication and vision make him one of the community’s greatest gifts.

Risto Casauay

Rito Casauay

Rito Casauay is a pillar of generosity and community spirit in Roanoke. Known for his big heart and even bigger smile, Rito goes the extra mile for everyone in his life without expecting anything in return. His dedication to the Philippine American Association of Roanoke Valley (PAARV) is unmatched; he is always the first to arrive and the last to leave, ensuring smooth operations and that everyone departs with a smile. As the quintessential emcee of Filipino gatherings, Rito engages the crowd with humor and ensures everyone has fun. He is also known for assisting friends with home repairs, moves, rides, errands, and more. Cooking is one of his love languages, often hosting gatherings to celebrate friends' milestones or surprising someone with a home-cooked meal just because he knows they like it. Rito’s warmth, humor, and dedication make him beloved and respected by many. His endless acts of kindness and his ability to bring joy to those around him truly make him a local hero.

Robert "Bob" Capper

Robert Capper

Robert "Bob" Capper is a beacon of leadership and compassion in Roanoke. With over 30 years of service, Bob has steered the board of the Roanoke Co-op, implementing policy governance during his tenure as Board President. His leadership has been crucial in shaping the Co-op’s success and fostering a strong sense of community. Beyond the Co-op, Bob is the President and Founder of WROE-LP 95.7 FM Radio Free Roanoke, a nonprofit community radio station. His vision for the station materialized through his hands-on efforts in designing, building, and erecting the antenna and tower. This station serves as a vital platform for local voices and diverse programming. Bob's contributions reflect his passion for community service and his ability to unite people. His outstanding leadership, technical expertise, and kindness make him a true local hero, deeply appreciated by all who know him. Bob’s tireless efforts have significantly enhanced the quality of life for Roanoke residents.

Sean Horne

Sean Horne

Sean Horne exemplifies exceptional leadership as President of Balzer & Associates. His commitment to enhancing the lives of his team members fosters a culture of empowerment, encouraging continuous learning, growth, and leadership. Sean motivates employees to exceed client expectations while nurturing a collaborative, kind, and positive work environment. His dedication to building meaningful client relationships and ensuring collective success underscores his visionary approach. Sean's inclusive leadership style welcomes new ideas and perspectives from all levels, driving innovation and excellence. Under his guidance, Balzer & Associates has set new standards in service and collaboration. His ability to inspire and empower his team highlights his profound impact on the firm’s success. Sean’s leadership qualities and significant contributions make him a true local hero, deserving recognition for his unwavering commitment to his employees and the broader community.

Shiree Carr

Shiree Carr

Shiree Carr exemplifies exceptional leadership as Vice President of LeisureMedia360. She leads with a gentle and considerate approach, giving back to her employees by supporting them outside work hours, advocating for company volunteer days, and providing company lunches during busy periods. Shiree's dedication to the well-being of her team is evident in every action she takes. Deeply committed to community service, Shiree serves as a board member of the West End Center for Youth and is actively involved in her church and various charitable events, including those for the Ronald McDonald House. She has also been a speaker at the 2023 Women Impact Virginia Summit and the 2023 Virginia Tourism VA-1 conference. Her accolades include the 2020 Roanoke Co-Salem Chamber Ambassador Program award and the 2020 Niche Media Nichee Rising Star Award. Her leadership, compassion, and dedication make her a true local hero and an inspiration to all. Shiree’s star shines brightly, and her heart is even bigger.


Aaron Boush

Aaron Boush

Aaron Boush has significantly advanced health initiatives in Roanoke as the Director of Community Health and Outreach at Carilion Clinic. Leading efforts to address social determinants of health, he played a crucial role in developing the UNITE US network, which connects local nonprofits on a community resource platform. Aaron's work with the community health worker hub and expanding the use of CHWs within Carilion has been pivotal in ensuring underserved populations receive the necessary support and care. He leads a team of dedicated professionals, including community health workers, peer recovery specialists, and health educators. Aaron's passion for health equity and his collaborative approach have made him a respected leader, recognized as a 2023 40 Under 40 honoree by The Roanoker Magazine. His innovative use of technology and dedication to community well-being exemplify his commitment to making a positive impact.

Cara Rogers

Cara Rogers

Cara Rogers is an exceptional healthcare professional whose expertise and dedication brought a patient back to health after a severe infection that others wouldn’t treat. Her willingness to take on challenging cases and her compassionate commitment to her patients have made a profound difference. Thanks to Cara, the patient is now completely healed and infection-free. Her relentless care and support throughout the recovery process have been life-changing, restoring not only physical health but also hope and strength. Cara Rogers exemplifies excellence in healthcare, and her impact on this patient's life will be remembered with deep gratitude.

Christine Fish-Huson

Christine Fish-Huson

Christine Fish-Huson demonstrated extraordinary dedication and resilience as a volunteer during the COVID-19 pandemic. She tirelessly provided numerous COVID-19 tests and vaccines, playing a crucial role in the community’s response. Balancing her professional responsibilities at Carilion Clinic, maintaining her household, and raising her granddaughter, Christine embodied the spirit of selflessness and perseverance. Her contributions extended beyond administering tests and vaccines; she provided comfort, hope, and a sense of security to those she served. Christine's ability to juggle her professional and personal life while making significant volunteer contributions showcases her incredible strength and commitment, leaving a lasting impact on the community.

Dr. Elizabeth Ackley

Elizabeth Ackley

Dr. Elizabeth Ackley is a dedicated leader in health advocacy, working tirelessly to improve the well-being of Roanoke City residents. As the founder of the Roanoke College Center for Community Health, she collaborates with community partners to drive impactful initiatives. Lizzy’s efforts have led to the creation of community health centers, foosball courts, and a newly announced community grocery store, all enhancing local health and opportunities. Recognized as a 2023 40 Under 40 honoree by The Roanoker Magazine and a contributor to numerous academic publications, Lizzy exemplifies leadership and innovation in health advocacy. Her work not only benefits residents but also sets a high standard for community health initiatives, showcasing her commitment to making a lasting difference.

Dr. Jonathan Carmouche

Jonathan Carmouche

Dr. Jonathan Carmouche is a distinguished leader in orthopedic care, renowned for his expertise in various spinal surgical techniques. His contributions have introduced specialized procedures to Roanoke, including MAGE surgery for children. Globally recognized for teaching micro invasive techniques, Dr. Carmouche shares his expertise with surgeons worldwide. Patients consistently praise his high-quality care, reflecting his commitment to advancing orthopedic surgery and improving patient outcomes. As a respected orthopedic surgeon at Carilion Clinic, Dr. Carmouche’s work significantly impacts both local and global medical communities, enhancing lives through his dedication and expertise.

Kathryn Yopp

Kathryn Yopp

Kathryn Yopp is a dedicated mental health professional with nearly 20 years of experience. Known for her passion for helping both children and adults experiencing mental health crises, Kathryn employs innovative approaches and creative methods at Mainstream Mental Health Services. Her leadership in fostering community partnerships and developing effective mental health programs is exemplary. Recognized for her exceptional skills in crisis intervention, program development, and team leadership, Kathryn’s contributions have been instrumental in advancing mental health services. Her compassionate care continues to inspire and bring hope to the community, making her a respected leader in the field.

Katie Hedrick

Katie Hedrick

Katie Hedrick serves as Roanoke's Community Inclusion Coordinator, enhancing accessibility of the city’s services for non-English speaking residents. She oversees the implementation of translation services across various city departments, contributing to Roanoke's reputation as the first Virginia municipality to implement a two-way language access program. This initiative ensures all residents have equal access to essential services and information. Katie's work extends to vital educational support and outreach to the Hispanic community during the pandemic, ensuring they were not left in the dark. Through her dedication, Katie stands out as a beacon of equity and inclusivity, making a significant difference in Roanoke.

Lori Bodzioney

Lori Bodzioney

Lori Bodzioney has been a dedicated volunteer with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, demonstrating remarkable leadership and commitment to patients' health and well-being. As a retired Respiratory Therapist, her extensive knowledge and approachable nature make her an invaluable asset to the community. Lori's passion for supporting patients with cystic fibrosis is evident in her every action, consistently bringing comfort and confidence to the patients and families she serves. Her warmth and compassion leave a lasting impact, making her a hero in the eyes of many. Lori's contributions continue to inspire and uplift those around her, embodying the spirit of selflessness and dedication.

Marvin Crump

Marvin Crump

Marvin Crump, a nurse manager at Brandon Oaks Nursing and Rehab, consistently goes above and beyond for residents. His extraordinary compassion was profoundly demonstrated when he fulfilled a dying resident's wish to feel the sun on his face one last time. Despite challenges, Marvin took the bed-bound resident outside, providing comfort and companionship during a precious final moment. This act of kindness deeply impacted the resident's family, leaving them with immeasurable gratitude. Marvin's selflessness and dedication to his patients shine through in moments like these, making him deserving of all the praise. His actions leave an indelible mark on the hearts of those he touches.

Merlee Pentecost

Merlee Pentecost

Merlee (Em) Pentecost exemplifies the quiet power of everyday heroes. Whether supporting her daughters locally, caring for relatives in the Philippines, or excelling in her role in materials management at Carilion and the Salem VAMC, Merlee's dedication knows no bounds. Her warmth and generosity are truly defining. When a family faced the loss of their father and the isolation of the pandemic, Merlee became their ray of sunshine. For over 18 months, she provided essential support, encouragement, and companionship. Merlee’s kindness extends beyond one family; she quickly offered her own vehicle when a co-worker’s car broke down, allowing them to continue working. Merlee's selfless love and the lasting impact of her kindness make her deserving of recognition.

Molly Roberts

Molly Roberts

Molly Roberts works tirelessly to determine the health and social determinants of health needs in the community. Her work guides Carilion’s leadership in community health investments, supports nonprofits in grant writing, and tracks results and outcomes. Molly's dedication extends beyond her professional role; she serves on the boards of Restoration Housing and the Presbyterian Community Center and is part of the Healthy Roanoke Valley steering committee. Always going the extra mile to support community partners, her heart of service is evident in every aspect of her work. Molly’s contributions significantly impact the health and well-being of the community.

Patricia Johnston

Patricia Johnston

Patricia (Pat) Johnston has been a dedicated healthcare provider in Craig County for over 30 years. Even after retiring from the Craig County Health Department, her passion for serving others led her to return to work two days a month. Pat’s services have included in-home baby care, providing new parents with education on baby care, nutrition, secure housing resources, medical care, and family planning. Her deep compassion and tireless dedication make her a trusted friend and confidante to many. Pat’s ability to adapt to changes in healthcare and her unwavering commitment to patient care are truly inspiring. Balancing her professional commitments, she also enjoys being the grandmother of 12 grandchildren. Pat Johnston’s enduring contributions have significantly impacted the well-being of Craig County families, making her a deserving leader in healthcare.

Patrick Coleman

Patrick Coleman

Patrick Coleman is an esteemed addiction recovery counselor whose dedication has profoundly impacted people’s lives. With over 20 years of experience, Patrick is known for his intelligence, empathy, and unwavering commitment to his clients. His availability and support provide a lifeline for those in recovery, ensuring they never feel alone in their journey. Patrick's extensive knowledge and compassionate approach make him an invaluable community member. He actively participates in community outreach programs and collaborates with local organizations to promote awareness and support for addiction recovery. Patrick Coleman’s selfless service and remarkable ability to connect with individuals on a personal level make him a true hero in health.

Phyllis Wolf

Phyllis Wolf

Phyllis Wolf supports staff, clients, and the Roanoke Valley community through her work at Carilion Clinic. She goes the extra mile in championing underserved populations and those facing mental health challenges. With a heart for service, Phyllis ensures that the most vulnerable receive not just healthcare but also hope and understanding. Her work isn't just a job; it's a calling that she would heed with or without compensation. Humble in her achievements, Phyllis doesn't seek accolades; she is driven by a vision of equity and the well-being of her community. Phyllis's remarkable ability to connect with individuals on a personal level and her unwavering commitment to social justice make her an unsung hero in health. Her quiet humility and steadfast dedication are instrumental in building a more equitable health system and a healthier Roanoke Valley.

Dr. Randall Rhea

Randall Rhea

Dr. Randall Rhea's impact extends far beyond the medical care he provides at the Bradley Free Clinic. As an instrumental part of the medical student clinic, he creates opportunities for students to work with underserved populations, enriching their educational experience and nurturing a spirit of compassion and service. Over 700 medical students at Virginia Tech Carilion have learned invaluable lessons under Dr. Rhea's mentorship. His 42 years of volunteer work have significantly addressed healthcare disparities and promoted a more inclusive and equitable system. This long-standing commitment to health equity and nurturing the next generation of healthcare professionals makes him a hero whose legacy of service and impact endures.

Shirley Holland

Shirley Holland

Shirley Holland, Vice President of Community Health and Development at Carilion Clinic, embodies dedication and selflessness in her mission to improve community health throughout the Roanoke Valley. She has spearheaded the Local Impact for Tomorrow (LIFT) initiative, a transformative program providing comprehensive health and financial wellness services at Fallon Park Elementary, making a significant difference for local families. Additionally, her instrumental role in developing Healthy Roanoke Valley (HRV) highlights her commitment to collaborative health improvement, aligning over 50 organizations toward shared goals. Shirley’s strategic leadership influences broad regional health outcomes and fosters strong community networks. Her unwavering dedication goes beyond her formal duties, consistently making a profound, yet often unrecognized, impact. Shirley Holland is an exemplary hero, deserving of this recognition for her substantial and quiet contributions to the region.

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